Yes, entrepreneurs hustle. Small business owners wear many hats and have lots of jobs to get done in a limited amount of time. If you wish to join the ranks of independent business owners, you’ll need to hit it hard and get things done. But you’ll also need to breathe. Although a lackadaisical approach to work won’t serve you well, there are some compelling reasons to believe that slowing down a bit may actually benefit your entrepreneurial venture.


Protecting Your Health

A lot of entrepreneurs strike out on their own at least in part to try and reduce the stress in their lives. If you find yourself constantly chewing antacid tablets and popping aspirin for a pounding headache, you’ve probably failed at this particular goal. The human body is designed to operate at its peak efficiency only when adequately rested. Burning the candle at both ends for too long can make you quite ill. If you’re tempted to push harder than you should, remind yourself how little work you’ll get done if you have to spend a week in the hospital.


Seeing the Forest and the Trees

There’s certainly nothing wrong with setting a goal and working hard to reach it. Sometimes, though, unexpected opportunities present themselves along the way — some of which are too good to pass up, even if they alter our course a bit. If you’re running through your life as fast as you possibly can, however, you’re likely to zoom right past the chance of a lifetime without ever noticing it. Slow down enough to ensure you see your current surroundings as clearly as you do your plan for the future. You might see something you’ve been missing.


Managing Your Emotions

Making decisions based entirely on your emotions is often a bad idea, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore them completely. Your emotions serve as important guideposts and if you don’t manage them, they could manage you. If you’re nervous about something, there may be a good reason why. Understanding the fear may help you trust your gut and avoid a bad situation. The same is true if an opportunity excites you. A good opportunity for your business could mean more unwanted travel for you personally. Can you really make it work, or will you constantly be angry about the family time you’re missing? Ignore the downside and you could find your anger boiling over when it shouldn’t. Understanding your emotions is good for you and your business, but if you move too quickly you won’t have time to even acknowledge them, let alone understand what they’re trying to tell you.


Good business decisions require a clear head and a thorough understanding of both the present you’re operating within and the future you wish to achieve. Move too fast, and you may suffer from both physical ailments and cloudy thinking. Do what you must to make steady progress for your business, but take some time to strike a balance between the business’ needs and your own. You’ll both be better for it.