James Kassouf’s Blog

How to Leave a Positive Leadership Legacy

How to Leave a Positive Leadership Legacy

Every day, hundreds of people ponder and worry about how they will be remembered. Their concerns don’t stop at their loved ones and friends - but how they will be remembered in the world of business as well.  In other words, your legacy. How well (or negatively) you...

Trends in Leadership and Development

Trends in Leadership and Development

There is no doubt that leadership and development are constantly evolving. As new research emerges and new technologies become available, the way we lead and develop our people must also change. This article will explore some of the latest trends in leadership and...

How Do You Build An Inclusive Brand?

How Do You Build An Inclusive Brand?

Creating an inclusive brand is essential to connecting with today's consumers. But what does it take to build an inclusive brand? In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on creating an inclusive brand that resonates with your customers. Diversify Your Circle of...

Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Recent years have brought many companies into the new world of fully remote work, and for many it has been a boon. However, large-scale change to the very way we operate is not without challenge, as well. The challenges and successes of leading remote teams vary...

Spring Cleaning Your Business

Spring Cleaning Your Business

6 Ways To Spring Clean Your Small Business Ah, springtime. The time of year when flowers are budding, birds are chirping, and warmer winds are blowing. It’s also a time when people purge their houses of dirt, dust, and debris … aka spring cleaning.  But spring...

How to Strengthen your Finances in 2022

How to Strengthen your Finances in 2022

Financial security is something that everyone hopes for, but unfortunately, it can be difficult to achieve. In today's economy, it's more important than ever to make sure that one's finances are in order. This gives one peace of mind and ensures that they can weather...

What is Sustainable Entrepreneurship?

What is Sustainable Entrepreneurship?

What Does Sustainable Entrepreneurship Mean? Companies have historically operated with the basic goal of making a profit. However, in recent years, it has been growing apparent that more should be expected of entrepreneurs. While working to develop and run a...

Tips for Young Leaders

Tips for Young Leaders

Being the new leader of a group can sometimes be difficult. One may find themselves struggling to figure out what is in the best interest of everyone within their group and what is not. Young Leaders have many advantages, but time can also be an issue when meeting...

Benefits of Leadership Training

Benefits of Leadership Training

Getting into a leadership position may be easy for many people, but executing the leadership role has proved one of the most challenging tasks. Every person who desires to be a leader should ensure that they are well suited for the job. Going for training is one of...