James Kassouf’s Blog

Resume Strategies to Use

Resume Strategies to Use

In today's competitive job market, solid resumes are essential for standing out to potential employers. A resume is a first impression that can decide whether or not they are invited for an interview.   Tailor Your Resume to the Job One of the essential resume...

Tips for Using LinkedIn for Your Business

Tips for Using LinkedIn for Your Business

LinkedIn is a powerful resource that can be used to connect with potential clients, partners, and employees. However, many businesses must maximize LinkedIn's features and seize valuable opportunities.   Optimize your profile:  Your LinkedIn profile is the first...

5 Habits of Leaders to Embrace This Year

5 Habits of Leaders to Embrace This Year

Healthy leadership behaviors can promote careers, leave positive lasting impressions, and create successful businesses. Being a good leader requires courage and walking the path of morality and integrity. Excellent leaders understand they can only be successful by...

How to Embrace Emotional Intelligence as a Leader

How to Embrace Emotional Intelligence as a Leader

The difference between decent and exceptional leaders is their degree of emotional intelligence. High IQs and technical proficiency are required to complete daily tasks. Nearly everyone with whom you compete at work has the same skill sets. A leadership team's level...

How to Grow Your Network in 2023

How to Grow Your Network in 2023

Even the most confident businesspeople need help networking. It can be intimidating to enter a room full of strangers and initiate a conversation. If you want to advance in your job, networking is essential. Your ability to network and develop contacts will determine...

Workplace Perks to Invest In

Workplace Perks to Invest In

With tendencies skewed toward the results of our business activities and customers instead of the employee, it's vital to pay attention to the employee experience. One of the most critical factors that can help create a great employee experience is the availability of...

How to Launch a New Venture in the New Year

How to Launch a New Venture in the New Year

New Year's resolutions are the perfect time to start working on your goals and dreams for creating a new business. Get a head start by taking the necessary steps to ensure your venture is successful. The Full Plan Before starting a business, make sure you have a solid...